When should you hire chimney cleaning services?

A chimney is a bliss for places like Long Island where winters can be pretty harsh. Whether you use your chimney only during harsh weather conditions or during the entire winter season, it is important to keep it clean. A fireplace is not only prone to daily wear and tear but also deposit build-up when used regularly. And when it comes to cleaning debris, creosote, and soot from your fireplace on your own, it’s best to hire Long Island chimney contractors.

Long Island Chimney Cleaning Service

But is it enough to hire them once a year to get your chimney cleaned? Well, no!

Here are a few signs when you should hire the services of professional chimney cleaning. 

  • A strong smell coming from your chimney 

When you lit a fire in your fireplace, your home should smell pleasant due to the wood burning in the chimney instead of a foul smell. Getting a foul odor from your chimney is a sure shot sign that there is something wrong with it or that it needs a thorough cleaning. It also indicates that there are various other odorless gasses in your home that are not being removed properly. These gases can be extremely harmful and can cause discomfort.

  • Poor fire burning in the chimney 

Chimney shaft plays a major role in removing harmful gases from your home while keeping your chimney in working condition. However, if you are experiencing problems with burning a fire in your chimney or maintaining it for a few hours, it means your chimney shaft may not be working properly. If the problem is persistent, it’s time to call professional contractors.

  • Smoke buildup when using the chimney 

If you see a smoke building when burning a fire in the chimney, it is often due to a blockage in the chimney shaft. There can be various causes of a blockage such as branches from trees, leaves, harsh weather conditions, birds’ nests, or even a grease buildup inside the chimney. A blockage can prevent the removal of harmful gases from your home.

Cleaning a chimney is an extensive job. Thus, it should be left on the professionals. These professionals have years of experience in chimney sweeping and can also help with chimney replacement or repair if required. Moreover, they have the right equipment, training to complete the job without causing a lot of disruption in your life.


4 ways to protect your chimney from water leaks

Chimneys play an integral role in the efficient working of your home, especially in areas where winters can be extremely harsh. However, just like any other element of your home, a chimney is also prone to daily wear and tear and damage, leading to expensive Southampton chimney repair. During the lifespan of your chimney, there are plenty of things that can go wrong with it such as water leakage. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to protect your chimney from potential damage to extend its lifespan.

Follow these 4 ways to protect your chimney

  1. Install chimney cap 

A chimney that is protected from top to bottom is best protected against daily wear and tear, harsh weather conditions, and water. Covering your chimney with a cap ensures that water or snow does not seep through the chimney and damage it. Chimney caps are often made of robust material that withstands time and weather.

  1. Chimney crown 

Just like chimney cap, the chimney crown is yet another important element that protects your chimney from the weather. A crown covers the entire chimney top that is above your roof. A well-installed crown expands past the edge to prevent water from seeping into Long Island chimney masonry. Please remember, the crown should be at least 4 inches wide and made of proper and robust materials.

  1. Flashing 

Chimney flashing is constructed of many thin sheets of metal, placed in a way to prevent the problem of water leakage from vulnerable points like the chimney or the intersection of your roof. Make sure you hire a reputed company that has a team of professional and experienced experts. Remember, if there is a water leakage problem in your roof or chimney, it is often due to a problem in flashing. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep it in good condition.

  1. Take preventive measures 

Besides getting chimney elements installed, it’s incredibly crucial to take preventive measures such as annual inspections of chimney elements and roof and routine chimney sweeps. You can hire a company that provides chimney maintenance and repair services to maintain the highest level of safety and efficiency. When you hire chimney professionals, they not only help you keep your chimney in pristine condition but also notify you of any damaged or missing parts that can result in expensive chimney repair in Southampton.

Get in touch with a reputed chimney maintenance and repair company to ensure your chimney is well-protected.


What things do you need to consider after chimney cleaning?

If it isn’t your first time to clean your chimney, you must know by now that hiring a professional in East Hampton for chimney cleaning is your safest bet. There are many reasons attached to it.


  • Their service is efficient and time-saving.
  • They are well equipped and licensed to perform even the tedious task in the easiest possible manner.
  • Further, they are the ones who can help you to know the exact condition of your chimney and its deterioration rate. Moreover, when they come for inspection, they can even help you know how frequently you should choose chimney repair.

But, once you have hired a repair service, being a homeowner it’s your responsibility to make sure that you get the worth of your money. Here are a few things that you need to consider after chimney cleaning.

First things first, chimney sweeping is the most basic part of any regular maintenance services. Thus, if you have hired them for regular maintenance, make sure that they perform chimney sweeping efficiently that will directly impact the performance of your chimney. You can take a picture of your chimney to compare the results before and after.

Another thing that you need to consider when you call experts in East Hampton for chimney cleaning is that they inspect the apparatus or device which is installed after repair. There are times when inexperienced professionals use damaged device with small tweaks to get the chimney work. However, this often damages the chimney in the long run. So, make sure the professionals you have hired come with OEM products that need to be installed.

Further, a professional chimney expert helps to remove all the dangerous buildup and at the same time keep an eye out for any potential hazards that could harm you and your family or even prevent your chimney and appliance from operating at its maximum efficiency.

For the best services, whether repair, installation or maintenance, you should hire a proficient expert who has years of experience and is licensed to offer you top notch services that are worth your money and time.

3 most common chimney problems that need immediate attention

Chimney is an integral part of every residential property. They serve the purpose of protecting you and your family from fire hazards related to fireplaces.


However, these elements are still taken for granted. Most homeowners often overlook the importance of regular chimney maintenance and inspection. They usually put off chimney maintenance and repair until it becomes a necessity. As a result, they end up spending more money on getting their chimneys repaired or even replaced. This is why Southampton chimney repair experts advise homeowners to regularly maintain their chimneys to avoid wasting their money on solving bigger chimney problems.

The following are the most common chimney problems that usually require repairs.

Damaged and broken capping – The function of your chimney cap is not just limited to look appealing from a distance. Rather, it plays an essential role in your chimney, which needs to be maintained regularly. Do you know a broken or damaged chimney cap can cause much bigger problems later if left unrepaired?

For instance, if your chimney cap is broken, then rainwater may enter the flue in the event of heavy rains. As a result, you may end up having a damaged chimney in the next winter. Generally, this type of damage requires a lot of investment in getting your chimney repaired. Hence, hiring a chimney repair specialist can help you avoid these unnecessary expenditures.

Flue cracking – The inside section of your chimney is considered as the flue, and it is usually prone to various problems over time. The flue is the most exposed section of your chimney. Hence, it is one of the first things that a chimney specialist will inspect.

Having a cracked flue is a sign that there might be some underlying problems in your chimney. You should hire an experienced and reliable chimney repair professional to get your chimney inspected properly and find all the details. Therefore, getting your flue inspected regularly is an important part of the maintenance process.

Creosote buildup – Although problems, such as damaged cap and flue cracking could result from an accident, creosote buildup is something you can’t avoid. The soot buildup in your chimney usually results from burning wood in your fireplace. If left unrepaired, it can lead to major problems in the future. With creosote buildup in your chimney, you will not only experience insufficient burning of wood but also pose a serious health risk to you and your loved ones. This is also a major reason for chimney fires. Hence, make sure you get your chimney inspected for creosote buildup before the beginning and at the end of winters.

If you notice any of these problems in your chimney, this means your chimney needs immediate help. Therefore, you hire the best chimney repair contractor in your area to ensure you get the right services at competitive prices.

How avoiding chimney repair can risk your life?

Undoubtedly chimney is an integral part of a home. But if left uninspected, it can be prone to life threatening accidents. Moreover, oftentimes the outer appearance of your chimney seem to be in good condition but you cannot figure out what all necessary repair its hiding inside. Your carelessness or ignorance can put your loved ones life into risk including you.

Chimney Repair Services

Here are few more risks of avoiding chimney repair and maintenance:

Cracks in flue: The inside liner that carries the heat, toxic fumes and smoke out of the house is called flue. With the passage of time, the cracks and deterioration may develop due to phenomenon contraction and expansion. Moreover, flues deteriorate faster when it comes in contact with even a few drops of water when your chimney is not properly covered. It can also expose your home to heat and ember to reach combustible materials. However, you can prevent this by hiring a chimney repair service.

Masonry cracks: You need masonry repair if your chimney is made of brick to keep it strong and stable. Varying weather conditions and heating trigger the masonry cracks. So, at the time of inspection, make sure that damper are easily operating and the professionals you hire offer detailed analysis of your masonry to keep your chimney strong and structurally sound.

Avoid Creosote and bird Nests: You might find it a little surprising but creosote and animal nests can put your house on fire. Creosote is a category of chemicals made by burning wood and twigs of wood that are collected by birds. The accumulation of creosote can lead to serious fire if not removed from time to time. A homeowner can check creosote accumulation and birds nest, if any, after every few months, to avoid any major accident.

Hope this blog has helped you understand the importance of using chimney repair services. If you also wish to get in touch with a proficient Southampton Chimney Repair company then visit today @ kingsidingandgutters