3 most common chimney problems that need immediate attention

Chimney is an integral part of every residential property. They serve the purpose of protecting you and your family from fire hazards related to fireplaces.


However, these elements are still taken for granted. Most homeowners often overlook the importance of regular chimney maintenance and inspection. They usually put off chimney maintenance and repair until it becomes a necessity. As a result, they end up spending more money on getting their chimneys repaired or even replaced. This is why Southampton chimney repair experts advise homeowners to regularly maintain their chimneys to avoid wasting their money on solving bigger chimney problems.

The following are the most common chimney problems that usually require repairs.

Damaged and broken capping – The function of your chimney cap is not just limited to look appealing from a distance. Rather, it plays an essential role in your chimney, which needs to be maintained regularly. Do you know a broken or damaged chimney cap can cause much bigger problems later if left unrepaired?

For instance, if your chimney cap is broken, then rainwater may enter the flue in the event of heavy rains. As a result, you may end up having a damaged chimney in the next winter. Generally, this type of damage requires a lot of investment in getting your chimney repaired. Hence, hiring a chimney repair specialist can help you avoid these unnecessary expenditures.

Flue cracking – The inside section of your chimney is considered as the flue, and it is usually prone to various problems over time. The flue is the most exposed section of your chimney. Hence, it is one of the first things that a chimney specialist will inspect.

Having a cracked flue is a sign that there might be some underlying problems in your chimney. You should hire an experienced and reliable chimney repair professional to get your chimney inspected properly and find all the details. Therefore, getting your flue inspected regularly is an important part of the maintenance process.

Creosote buildup – Although problems, such as damaged cap and flue cracking could result from an accident, creosote buildup is something you can’t avoid. The soot buildup in your chimney usually results from burning wood in your fireplace. If left unrepaired, it can lead to major problems in the future. With creosote buildup in your chimney, you will not only experience insufficient burning of wood but also pose a serious health risk to you and your loved ones. This is also a major reason for chimney fires. Hence, make sure you get your chimney inspected for creosote buildup before the beginning and at the end of winters.

If you notice any of these problems in your chimney, this means your chimney needs immediate help. Therefore, you hire the best chimney repair contractor in your area to ensure you get the right services at competitive prices.

Common misconceptions about chimney cleaning

Just like any other industry, there are plenty of myths floating around about chimney cleaning in Southampton that is often misleading. As per the experts, you should always rely on professional chimney cleaning services to get your chimney properly cleaned. However, these myths have made people resistant to hire professional chimney cleaning cleaner. Below we’ve given some of the common myths about chimney cleaning that you need to know.


If you’re not using your chimney, you don’t need to clean it – The most common misconception people have that if the chimney hasn’t been used for months there is no need to clean it. But, this is wrong! Maybe there is no layering of any creosote inside the chimney, but animals or birds might have build nests in it. With animals or nests in the unit, carbon dioxide may fail to leave the house as it supposed to be. Additionally, the obstruction is large enough that there is insufficient oxygen supply to support the fire.  So, whether you have been using your chimney or not, always clean it before using. Lastly, rely on an experienced and certified professional to clean your chimney.

Once you’ve installed a chimney liner, cleaning isn’t required – This is another common myth people have regarding chimney cleaning. First of all, chimney liner is installed to prevent the fire sparks from getting to your establishment. Secondly, having a chimney liner doesn’t mean that creosote will not accumulate in the unit. Whether you have installed the liner or not, you must clean your chimney once in a year, and done professionally.

Burning softwoods cause more creosote damage to the chimney lining – Most people have this belief that one should only use seasoned hardwood in the chimney because softwoods result in excessive creosote damage to the chimney lining. However, this is not the truth! Although softwoods produce more soot and don’t burn as hot as hardwoods, this doesn’t mean you can’t use them in the fireplace, especially when hardwood isn’t available.

You don’t have to clean the chimney after buying a new home – Just as there are people who believe that they shouldn’t clean their chimney when they are not using it for months, other are people who feel that chimney cleaning isn’t necessary after buying a new home. If you’ve bought a new house, chimney cleaning is a must before you move in. There is a possibility that the previous inhabitants might have used the chimney, but fail to clean it for a long time.

Are you searching for chimney installation and cleaning service in Southampton? Contact King Siding and Gutters+1-631-830-1100.


Chimney Cleaning- An Important Task Indeed

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)- It is a trade association of the United States, recommends every homeowner clean the chimney and inspects them after every year at least. Even after this strong recommendation, the chimneys are neglected which cause the chimney fires each year. This further results in a lot of problems like fire incidents which cause property loss and many people lose their lives. Therefore, cleaning the chimney is very important. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the key points and instructions for cleaning the chimney.

Chimney Installation

  • The foremost thing before cleaning the chimney is to check if the installed chimney needs cleaning or not. It is too obvious if you are using chimney on the regular basis then you must clean them early and if not then they can be cleaned after the year. Moreover, if you clean your chimney once in a year, then you must check them before the burning season begins. Otherwise, it may result into chimney fire in the winters.
  • Determine that the chimney flue with a light or torch. Take a pencil or a knife and scratch the wall to check the amount of creosote grown on the chimney walls. If the thickness of creosote is more than 1/8t-inch then definitely it needs cleaning process.
  • Check the chimney for animals or birds. It is seen that sometimes if the installation is not done properly then there is a chance that some bird or animal may hide in the flue. Raccoons, squirrels, and birds are some of the common living beings that are mostly found in chimneys, especially in the winters. In case if you find them then you must remove them before starting the cleaning.
  • Measure the size and length of the chimney flue so that you can collect the properly-sized tools such as- ladder to climb up, smaller stiff wire brush, piping, chimney brush, mask and goggles, broom and dustpan, and rope. The size and shape of the flux can be round or square. Don’t estimate the height and width of the chimney flue just measure it properly.
  • Before starting the cleaning process just prepare your house for the cleaning. Drape some cloth or plastic sheet around the fireplace, so that the dust remains in the confined place. Roll the rugs and cover other precious furniture items then start the cleaning process.

Without any doubt, cleaning a chimney is not an easy task as it sounds. For cleaning processes you need professionals. If you are looking for the professionals for chimney cleaning in Southampton, contact- King Siding and Gutters. They are the leading chimney installation and chimney repair in Southampton with experience of more than 10 years.