Common misconceptions about chimney cleaning

Just like any other industry, there are plenty of myths floating around about chimney cleaning in Southampton that is often misleading. As per the experts, you should always rely on professional chimney cleaning services to get your chimney properly cleaned. However, these myths have made people resistant to hire professional chimney cleaning cleaner. Below we’ve given some of the common myths about chimney cleaning that you need to know.


If you’re not using your chimney, you don’t need to clean it – The most common misconception people have that if the chimney hasn’t been used for months there is no need to clean it. But, this is wrong! Maybe there is no layering of any creosote inside the chimney, but animals or birds might have build nests in it. With animals or nests in the unit, carbon dioxide may fail to leave the house as it supposed to be. Additionally, the obstruction is large enough that there is insufficient oxygen supply to support the fire.  So, whether you have been using your chimney or not, always clean it before using. Lastly, rely on an experienced and certified professional to clean your chimney.

Once you’ve installed a chimney liner, cleaning isn’t required – This is another common myth people have regarding chimney cleaning. First of all, chimney liner is installed to prevent the fire sparks from getting to your establishment. Secondly, having a chimney liner doesn’t mean that creosote will not accumulate in the unit. Whether you have installed the liner or not, you must clean your chimney once in a year, and done professionally.

Burning softwoods cause more creosote damage to the chimney lining – Most people have this belief that one should only use seasoned hardwood in the chimney because softwoods result in excessive creosote damage to the chimney lining. However, this is not the truth! Although softwoods produce more soot and don’t burn as hot as hardwoods, this doesn’t mean you can’t use them in the fireplace, especially when hardwood isn’t available.

You don’t have to clean the chimney after buying a new home – Just as there are people who believe that they shouldn’t clean their chimney when they are not using it for months, other are people who feel that chimney cleaning isn’t necessary after buying a new home. If you’ve bought a new house, chimney cleaning is a must before you move in. There is a possibility that the previous inhabitants might have used the chimney, but fail to clean it for a long time.

Are you searching for chimney installation and cleaning service in Southampton? Contact King Siding and Gutters+1-631-830-1100.